Hey there!
I'm Soumik Roy, and I love Web/App Development, Competitive Programming, ML, Anime and most importantly, FOOD...
I am a Junior at IIT Jodhpur, where im pursuing B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Checkout my Resume
Course project for the course CSL 3090: Artificial Intelligence. It on developing an AI agent that can play a game optimally by itself, performing better than a human or random player. Here we ideated a game, Stalemate inspired by the classic game of chess. Here 2 players choose a piece of their choice(Knight, queen, bishop or rook) and move it according to chess rules. Wherever any piece is placed, is marked as a black position, and none of the players can now move to that position. The player whoever first meets a stalemate condition, i.e. can not move their piece in any possible position, loses the game. Everything was developed from scratch, including the game architecture, Playing agents (Random, Human & AI), and the AI heuristics.
AI algorithms used : Minimax & Alpha-Beta Pruning, along with several custom tested Heuristic functions