Hey there!

I'm Soumik Roy, and I love Web/App Development, Competitive Programming, ML, Anime and most importantly, FOOD...

I am a Junior at IIT Jodhpur, where im pursuing B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Checkout my Resume

Stalemate AI

Course project for the course CSL 3090: Artificial Intelligence. It on developing an AI agent that can play a game optimally by itself, performing better than a human or random player. Here we ideated a game, Stalemate inspired by the classic game of chess. Here 2 players choose a piece of their choice(Knight, queen, bishop or rook) and move it according to chess rules. Wherever any piece is placed, is marked as a black position, and none of the players can now move to that position. The player whoever first meets a stalemate condition, i.e. can not move their piece in any possible position, loses the game. Everything was developed from scratch, including the game architecture, Playing agents (Random, Human & AI), and the AI heuristics.

AI algorithms used : Minimax & Alpha-Beta Pruning, along with several custom tested Heuristic functions

Varchas App
Served as the head of Web and App development team for Varchas 22, the official sports fest of IIT Jodhpur. We developed an app using flutter, (and a django backend) that facilitates viewing match Schedules and fixtures, Real time score updates on Leaderboard and Login feature for Registered teams inorder to get their personal match schedules.
A research project, where I developed a survey app from scratch using flutter. The app is used by users to fill survey questionnaires inorder to assess their mood and emotional state. The project further focusses on identifying mood and emotions of a user based on their typing pattern and keystrokes.